Just Plain Rude or is there Another Agenda?

From the minutes of the AGM received on 10/11/2014:
7.2 Colour Scheme for Interior - Jackie Dunstone had prepared a sample board of various colours, textures, tiles, carpets etc. as a proposed option for future upgrades of the common areas. Richard Pascoe asked if other alternatives were to be considered. Marion Murri commented that she would like input from at least one other company or individual as to the decision regarding the décor of the common areas. Andrew Harrigan suggested the use of computer generated imaging to then gauge opinion from other owners.

Richard Gallimore noted that the sample boards were on display in the Reception area during winter after the AGM, would be taken to Sydney and made available for inspection there by Vincent Sweeney. Given the need to focus on the water leaks it is unlikely that major renovation of the common areas will take place this financial year.

Richard Gallimore advised that Once owners had had an opportunity to look at the sample boards Council will consider refurbishing a small common area, probably, the Reception foyer in Stage 3 because this is the main entry point for guests, as well as being a relatively small area.

And from the Newsletter to Squatters Run owners sent out with the minutes above:
Comments and suggestions from owners are welcome and should be provided in the first instance to Alpine Strata at alpinestrata@bigpond.com

Well, on October 16th, I sent a short submission (see attached), regarding the aforementioned proposed internal upgrade of Squatters Run, to Alpine Strata requesting it be forwarded to the Squatters Run body corporate council. Six weeks later and I've still not even had any recognition of the receipt of my submission from either Alpine Strata or the body corporate. I know my email got through but I've no acknowledgement from a human.

Does the body corporate really want comments about their plans? Do they just intend to railroad through this issue like the BluBox or is it just another example of their concept of "professional courtesy"?

Why ask for feedback when they aren't prepared to acknowledge receipt of such.