Where Is My Body Corporate Heading Now?

Those of you who have been following the articles in my grump will remember I had repeatedly questioned the body corporate about the double standard of insisting on 3 quotes for major jobs except when ... (see article: Professional Standards?)

Upon viewing the so-called "refurbishment" of the reception area of Squatters Run (for which no second opinions or quotes had been sought) I wrote an 'open' letter on 21/02/2015 to the Squatters Run body corporate (see article: Are we being railroaded?) querying the qualifications of the body corporate member (Jackie Dunstone) whose "design" was the only one considered by the body corporate.

The reply from the body corporate (sent by Alpine Strata on 26/02/2015) did not answer any of my questions but instead, in my opinion, raised even more serious questions about the integrity of the operation of the body corporate, which I have put in the following 'open' letter to the body corporate:

Dear Council,

Thank you for responding to my last (open) letter.

The last paragraph of your response raises further concerns. I quote:
"The matter of qualifications of any council member is a question that the correspondent will have to raise with the person concerned. That person may or may not choose to disclose that information. It is not appropriate for Council to provide."

#1: I thought that by writing to the "body corporate" I was indeed writing to the person concerned, as well as all other body corporate members. How many of the 7 members of the body corporate actually gets to see letters written to the body corporate? If I were a member of the body corporate I would want to see every letter of complaint lest I be held liable for decisions made without my knowledge.

#2: Worse still is that from your response it appears to me that the body corporate is not checking or asking for qualifications or licences from those making major (and ultimately expensive) decisions about Squatters Run common property. Is this the body corporate position?

Then in the March 2015 Newsletter from the Squatters Run body corporate president, there was this:
"We have realised from this trial that one particular paint finish which works well on smooth surfaces will not be successful on the masonry in Squatters."

Well hello! I would have thought that any professional interior designer would know that, without having to go through the expense of actually doing it. This is why there should have been at least a second opinion/quote from a suitably qualified person.

Kind regards,
Richard Pascoe (owner of 3 apartments in Squatters Run)

This letter can be viewed online at: http://wikigrumps.org/4579700901_2015040404/ under the heading of "Where Is My Body Corporate Heading Now?"